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Bài văn miêu tả dòng sông quê hương em- văn mẫu lớp 5

As a country associated with wet-rice agriculture, rivers stretching across the territory of Vietnam have become a cultural beauty in the lives of our people. In this article, we will introduce you to some sample essays describe the river hometown is selected in the 5th grade sample book to help you do better on this essay!

Bạn đang xem bài: Bài văn miêu tả dòng sông quê hương em- văn mẫu lớp 5

Suggestions for making an outline to describe the river

1. Opening lesson

Introduce the river in your hometown: name of the river (if any), is that river where you live or is it in your hometown or hometown?

2. Body

Description of the river:

– The shape of the river
– Both sides of the river
– How does the water of the river change with the seasons?
– How is the biological life in the river?

Describe the life of people in your hometown associated with the river:

– The river for shrimp and fish with the familiar image of a farmer pulling a fishing net.
– At each wharf, people often wash and cool off under the tree.
– Every summer afternoon, children and adults bathe in the river and play happily.

3. Conclusion

Talk about your feelings for the river of your homeland.

Good sample essays describing the river

1. The essay describes the river No. 1

So a school year has passed, my parents took me back to my hometown to visit my grandparents. Tomorrow I can go back to my hometown, I can’t sleep all night because I hope to see my grandparents who also miss my hometown river.

The familiar river image

Back home, there are many new things for me to discover and one of those things is the countryside river. My grandfather’s hometown, like many other villages in Vietnam, has bamboo ramparts with a winding river flowing around. This river is associated with my father’s childhood, where my father was born and raised.

I also do not know where the origin of this river begins, the people in my hometown call it by a dear name: Do River. The Do River is like a curving peach silk strip flowing around the village, which is extremely soft. On one side of the river is a rice field with flying storks and the other side is the village road.

Early in the morning, the river is silent and contemplative before the loud crowing of the roosters, reflecting the rising sunshine of the sun. At noon in the summer, when the sun has risen, the river is now rolling, rippling and sparkling as if covered with thousands of crystals on the river’s surface. In the late afternoon, the river becomes lively and bustling with the life of the villagers. At night, the river is quiet, only occasionally echoing the sound of frogs croaking or the knocking on the side of a fishing boat.

Under the riverbed is an extremely diverse biological world, rich with shrimp and fish. Sometimes I see fish swimming close to the surface of the water very vividly, or there are mischievous fish that even jump up to the surface, splashing small drops of water. Floating on the surface of the river are water hyacinths with eye-catching purple flowers. Sometimes on both sides of the river, people also create rafts of morning glory to use as food for pigs.

My grandfather said that the life of the villagers from the past to the present is associated with this river. Rivers give water to irrigate fields, raise rice plants that are pearls of heaven and earth, and give people food to eat. The river gives fish to shrimp so that people’s meals are richer and full of quality and many lazy fishing families live off the river’s fish and shrimp.

The river is also a place where every afternoon, women sit on the bank to wash and talk, children and men go down to the river to cool off and play. These peaceful and interesting scenes can only be seen and experienced with my own eyes when I return to my hometown. My father also let me go to the river to bathe. The feeling of being immersed in the cool country river really makes me excited and remember forever. It seems that the summer heat has disappeared in the country river.

This time when I returned to my hometown, I asked my father to prepare a camera so that I could keep pictures of the Do river in my hometown.

2. The essay describes the river No. 2

Born and raised in a Vietnamese village, my childhood was associated with rice fields, flying kites and familiar rivers. The river in my hometown is like a gentle mother taking care of the children of the village.

The river in my hometown is a small branch of the Red River, which is heavy with alluvium. The river is like a young girl’s smooth hair winding and flowing around the village, enveloping her village. I don’t know where this river flows, but it must pass through many villages, through many green fields, through many hills.

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The hometown river is associated with childhood

Each season, the river seems to change a new shirt, extremely lively. In the summer, the water is clear and sparkling thanks to the reflection of the sun. In autumn, the river water is clear and peaceful. In winter, the river is contemplative with a very unique beauty. In spring, the river seems to wake up after a long sleep with abundant life. Especially in the summer, when the rain falls, the river is red due to the sand and alluvium flowing down. But also very quickly after a few days when the rain stopped, the river water became clear again.

I love watching the river in the early morning. At that time, I could watch the fish go for food, see the snails clinging to the trunks of potatoes and water spinach, but just touch them, they will shrink into the shell to sink. Early in the morning is also the time to start looking for food of ducks swimming around, of colorful kingfishers. On one side of the river is a village road, people rush to start their new day’s tasks: the farmer goes to the fields, the students go to school, the people go to the market, the people go to work… Along with the trees on the riverbank All create a very vivid picture.

In the summer, every afternoon, I and the children in the village go to the village’s headwater wharf under the banyan tree to bathe in the river. The river is like a gentle mother embracing us, letting us play freely. Meanwhile, the farmers come home from work to take advantage of the vacation under the banyan tree, while the mothers take advantage of the laundry.

Perhaps the river is only really quiet and at night when the moon is up. The river must shine the moonlight shimmering and extremely poetic. The moon dived deep into the riverbed creating a scene that those with poetic souls could export into poetry.
I love my hometown river very much. In the future, no matter where I grow up, I will always keep the image of my hometown with the river of my childhood.

3. The essay describes the river No. 3

Although I was born in the countryside, when I started in grade 1, my parents moved to the city for work, and I followed my parents to the city to live there. Although I have lived in a busy city for a few years, every time I go back to my hometown every summer vacation, I still look forward to it and look forward to it. Because I miss my grandparents, my village and especially my hometown river.

No matter where I go, no matter how many rivers I see, I still find the river in my hometown is the most beautiful river. The river originates from the majestic Truong Son forest streams. The river flows through so many lands, through many fields, through many mudflats and quietly, thoughtfully when it comes to my village. Right next to the river is the main road of the village, so anyone going anywhere or going back to the village passes through the road next to this river.

From a distance, the river in my hometown looks like a giant python winding around the village. I don’t know how long the river is and even the elders in my village don’t know. The widest part of the river when it flows through my village is only a few meters.

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The river is as gentle as a mother

The water of the river changes with the seasons. In the dry season, the river water is shallow and clear, it seems that the bottom can be seen with schools of fish swimming around. In the rainy season, the river water rises and changes color to cloudy. In particular, the floods came, the river water turned red and angry. However, when the flood passed, the river returned to its gentleness like a gentle mother.

The river provides water for the fields, as the mother’s milk nourishes the rice, potato and corn crops for the people in my hometown who have an abundant food source. Not only that, in the riverbed there is also a world rich in creatures from shrimp, fish, crabs, snails, mussels… Every day, fishermen gently glide the boat on the river to drop nets to catch fish. My grandfather said that whether or not you can release a lot of fish or shrimp in the net depends on the water, but only those with long experience can know.

On both sides of the river, villagers plant tall trees such as willows, phoenixes, and eagles, reflecting on the river. But the most special and becoming a beauty, the soul of the village is probably the old banyan tree and the water wharf at the beginning of the village. It is said that this banyan tree was planted many years ago by the ancestor who gave birth to the village. Every time I come back from work in the fields, people in my hometown stop here to wash their hands and feet and sit under the banyan tree to rest.

As a child born in a village with a childhood associated with the river, perhaps no one has never bathed in the river. Every summer afternoon, the children in the neighborhood invite each other to swim in the river and play. The cool water of the river dispels the summer heat and the whole river echoes the crisp laughter of our children.

The hometown river is like a childhood beauty that I will always remember wherever I go. I love my hometown river very much.

The above are sample essays describing the river well, please refer to and write an essay describing your river. Hope you guys get high scores!

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